LenSatic wrote:
garyhaupt wrote:
LenSatic wrote:
BoonHauler wrote:
Gary, it's still considered a 4x4 even though you have dually's (6 tires on the ground).
6x6's are three axle vehicles that all three axles have power to them ....
Isn't it Wheels x Drive-axles? So a dually would be 6x4 and an Army 6x6 has 6 wheels and 6 drive-axles.

No, I was wrong. It's the number of axle-ends (left/right) times the number that are driven. So an Army Deuce and a Half with 10 wheels was still a 6x6. So, your dually would still be a 4x4. The number of wheels is irrelevant. (Made me go back to the books, er, uh, Google.) ;)
As far as I know Len is correct, you have a 4x4. The amount of tires on the ground doesn't matter, it's the axles. 4x2 means two axles with one drive axle. 4x4 means two drive axles and 6x6 means three drive axles.