Bart, just a final comment, be prepared for "interesting conditions"when you travel in the winter, we've run into an inch of wet "heart attack" snow overnight in west Texas in November (not fun to retract the slides in the morning and wet the inside of the RV), a day of wet snow in Tucson Arizona in March, frost that froze into ice on I-10 in Texas (and the locals left tracks heading for the ditches on each side!}as well in December.
The scariest was going through Detroit on I-75 in April last spring after a snow streamer came in and iced the bridges, no salt was applied and it was "bumper cars". First time I've spun the dual wheels with 4,000 lb. on the hitch with the RV attached!
As Canuks we are probably better experienced to handle this stuff but you need to look out for the other folks around you.
We are fortunate to have flexibility so we can stay longer to wait out the conditions, you probably have that flexibility as well.