Lots of gtreat points from pnichols, along with some OCD stuff (IMO).
#19--A great idea that I am always kicking myself for not doing. I carry a couple of golf umbrellas that I can strap to ski poles (I carry ski poles all year long). But they're nowhere as good as a beach parasol. And don't forget the deluxe folding chairs (with cup holders).
#8--I've actually thrown a belt late on a winter night in the desolation of SE Idaho, long before cell phones were invented. Of course I didn't learn my lesson and haven't bothered to carry one since.
#13--A shovel should be in your vehicle any time you're driving it, along with warm clothing and gatorade. Many also carry a hatchet or axe for clearing treefall. I make do with a small jab saw (like a pruning saw).
#20--A tow strap is a better idea, better for your car and much less weight and bother. All you need is something good enough to get pulled out of a ditch--or to pull someone else out, if you feel like destroying your own transmission.
#23--I used to use an outside sun shower for washing me. But it is such a bother and waste of water (and the water is still cold), that I now sponge bathe with a damp cloth and hand sanitizer, if water is scarce. I end up much cleaner and no pine needles!
#12--Here I substitue plenty of exercise and copious stores of alcohol. Also it helps not to read the newspaper.