mrw8i wrote:
I've enjoyed camping since I was a young child. Camping with my parents. They were in an RV, I was in a tent outside the RV. I enjoyed back packing; having to bring everything to survive for 1 week, all on my back. Later in early adult hood, lots of tent camping. Eventually better vehicles could get me further off road with my tent, carrying more and more water to survive. As I grew older had harder and harder time sleeping on the ground and graduated to a pop up trailer; still going to the same out of way places we could tent camp from the car. One night about 10 years ago, got so cold overnight I was done with the pop up trailer and graduated to a small bumper pull trailer. Still going to the out of way places with a trailer that I enjoyed while tent camping.
I found and found out I was boondocking. Oh okay, I guess that's what I do.
Great story. I too started out tent camping way out in the sticks with my faithful dog Rover and with my 12 gauge, we used to go for 3 to 4 days at a time. I miss those days with him but today I still hike with my backpack filled with instead of food and sleeping gear it's my camera. Nothing beats the views and experience of being in nature oh the the silence...