icanon wrote:
I too started out tent camping way out in the sticks with my faithful dog Rover and with my 12 gauge, we used to go for 3 to 4 days at a time. I miss those days with him but today I still hike with my backpack filled with instead of food and sleeping gear it's my camera. Nothing beats the views and experience of being in nature oh the the silence...
I backpacked a few times after we had bought our small motorhome and soon found myself on those backpacking trips daydreaming "boy ... wouldn't it be nice if I could get my motorhome right into this spot where our backpack camp is!".
I don't backpack anymore, but instead enjoy taking all the comforts of home (our motorhome) drycamping to places where I can at least pretend that the campsites are "way out there in nature".
Sometimes I think life is backwards: One should be young with all the time and money and health so as to be able to take an extreme expedition type RV to the far ends of the earth to visit nature .... and then in one's old age have to slow down with no money and no health and no desire to go out in the middle of nowhere in an RV anymore.
I guess you can't have it both ways.