Forum Discussion

  • We drove into the Dixie Fire to see how some of our favorite boondocking haunts fared.

    Not well. All our old favorite campsites are all nuked. Even the soil is cooked.

    I had hoped some of our spots would have been spared or only lightly impacted, that the mosaic effect of many fires would have protected something. No such luck.
  • Thanks for the cool and refreshing trip report! It is good that you and Felice and the Sequoias all appear to be doing well.
  • Awesome trip report Dan, I might have to get out of my comfort zone and go look at these places in person soon.
  • Yes it is! But, alas, my favorite tree is the coastal Redwood…Sequoia sempervirens…the tall ones.
  • For those of us on the east coast, these trip reports are eye opening to the size and scope of both these parks and the trees involved. Thank you for taking the time to document them.
  • LWiddis, the sheer size of those trees is endlessly fascinating, like whales in a swimming pool. Astonishing.
  • “Felice is at the base of the tree.”

    This picture gives an excellent perspective of the size Giant Sequoias can become.