Lynnmor wrote:
Lumberman's Museum, PA's Grand Canyon and the high PA Turnpike tolls along with the highest fuel tax in the nation.
I totally agree on the whole turnpike scam. As for the highest taxes in the nation, great! We live in a nation where the collective delusion is that infrastructure somehow magically maintains itself, with no tax dollars needed. Prior to the massive tax bump, PA was literally decomposing, with a massive number of substandard bridges, and roads. Hundreds of road closures and emergency bridge closures due to literally neglecting the system for decades, and starving the DOT of funds. Things are improving, and our conservative legislature has finally dropped the delusion that all taxes are evil and unnecessary. When we actually have gas taxes that are commensurate with the cost of maintaining and improving our transportation infrastructure, I can assure you that they will be a heck of a lot more that $0.58 a gallon. At some point, common sense will prevail, and we will stop limiting ourselves, by allowing some of the most backward and degraded infrastructure in the first world to define our future. At that point, fuel cost will be on par with the rest of the developed countries, and $3/gallon gas will be a fond memory.