Ernest wrote:
Need some help.
My Wife's Birthday is 8/31/2017. We'll arrive in Winslow that day after 4 days on the road from PA to begin our 2 1/2 month trip out west.
Would love some suggestions on good restaurant's as this will be a get start to on another adventure in retirement.
Yes she turning 29 years young.LOL
I'm going to take this on a right Angle - August in Arizona:??
Birthday . .:B - to celebrate Retirement and on the next 70 days on a Great Road Trip.
4 days on the road - 2000 miles - of hard long days.
My suggestion - cut 350 miles off the trip - Get to/into the COOL Mountains of Colorado - Say Leadville - for my Favorite spot -
Quincy's Tavern - Steak Dinner - Cool Night - Special place,
IMHO, you will win with not only a Great Steak Dinner, but also a night in the Mountains where you will wake to Cool Crisp Morning to enjoy the beginning of your trip (I'm sure you are aware that Leadville is at 10,000')
Guessing this is a trip to see the Southwest - Just a little Early - Still hot in Utah and Arizona and you want to be in Colorado for the End of September, beginning of October -
Golden Aspen in All the Passes .
Just a guess - this trip is already planned to the Minute? - So more than likely this will fall on deaf ears, but having traveled in this area heavily I am only giving you advice built on Years of Trial and Error.
So the Other Option would be to have the Birthday at Home and move the trip so as to arrive in Colorado a couple weeks later then hit Utah and Arizona/Utah in October - Late - and November.
Sorry, don't have an Answer for Winslow.
Best of Luck,