According the 'Mountain Directory for Truckers and RVers' (highly recommended, by the way), regarding Bear Tooth Pass "the descent from the west summit to the bottom on the Montana side (eastbound) is 22 miles of 6-8%. The road is narrow with very few places to pull over. There are numerous 15-25 mph hairpin turns.
Descending eastbound from the west summit the first 1-1/2 miles are 8% downhill followed by 1-1/2 mi. of 5-7% uphill to the east summit.
The first 4 mi. downhill from the east summit is 8% with 20 mph hairpins. Then there are 10 mi of steady 5-6% grade with very little shoulder. After this 10 mi section it opens up a little but the grade is still 5-6%. The descent is completed about 7 mi west of Red Lodge, MT.
The westbound descent is 6-7% grade with 15-25 mph hairpin turns. 18 miles further is a bridge which ices easily. The last few miles have 7-8% grades."
It doesn't sound like a fun site-seeing drive to me! :)