jgkeeto wrote:
we live near philadelphia and will be heading west from there,
route 80 or the turnpike, haven't decided. but leaving from pennsylvania and can be making stops along the way.
last year we left from florida in november across country and went to california and up to oregon and then back to PA via 70, staying below the freezing, we got back in march.
we have our own business and work remotely so we have no timeline that's why we can be gone from a month to 6 months,
we don't know or care,
just trying to get some good ideas of where to go before the freeze hits,
cause we can head south then no problem.
thanks again
That helps,
IMHO, Your travel time is GREAT.
Only thing I recommend is if at all Possible, try to be
In Colorado in Late September - the Aspen are just Amazing. - But - if the weather is RIGHT - then Glacier might just be the place for YOU.
One thing to Remember is Altitude is the Key to Early SNOW. So if things begin to look Bad just get out of the Mountains and ride it out for a few days - Another thing I'd recommend on this trip is to try to catch a few days/Nights in the Yellowstone Inn - or for that matter any of the Historic Hotels in the National Parks.
Having done this RV thing for over 50 years - and going from a Modified 49' Packard to the Travel Supreme today you might feel the need for a little Space - the Hotel Lobby's provide a great spot to just stretch out. We have done it with all sizes and used the Lobbies to our Advantage - plus always fun to just watch the People after a long Hike in the Woods;-)
INHO weather will be the determining factor in your trip - you are able to Boondock? You have a generator? If you are running a Home Based Business likely you need to Have Internet?
OK. Logic would say get to Custer First - then check out Devils Tower on the Way to Cody - They have a Wal*Mart in Cody so stock Up before going into YNP - Chief Joseph Highway and Beartooth are booth early drives - so maybe up to Red Lodge and check them out before getting into YNP - There are places to stay if you can self support - just ask the rangers - YNP again time will be dictated by the Weather - don't let a little snow scare you off - it snows in every month of the year there, but it also melts - when you do YNP be sure to do GTNP - again the Inn/Lodge/Hotel will be your friend - Check the weather to see if Glacier is still good - if yes go - if No - head to Colorado - out through Jackson/Alpine to Flaming Gorge RNA - to Dinosaur NM - then to the Bells in/outside Aspen for the Color.
If you need more I'll chime in later or just search my posts on Colorado/Second home.
Hope this is of some help,