well I have learned to navage pretty good now, the lay out isn't so much my isue anymore, but rather option like how many post per page I am sti;; trying to dial in and such. to me its the visibility of things when I am looking for new posts, the slight difference in the bold for us older guys with eyes that are getting tired just doesnt stand out, a different color would make it much better. then tere is the fact where if some one replies to a old topic it doesnt highlight it at all, just throws it up in the date and you have to search through a 10 page post to find the reply to one of the other 100 replys to the original post......
then there is just the names they picked for the groups , mostly on the "everything RV" side, they just don't work, the two most active groupls on the old board used to be "Tech" and "DIY" now they are gone, the names have been changed to the point they mean totaly different things "DIY maintenace" and Technical Issues" so we can just chat about new battery tech anymore as thats not an issue, and you can't talk about the cool accessory you built because thats not maintenance. I would go back to the original names, then alter the "RV tips and tricks" to say "RV maintenance tips and tricks"
get rid of campground 101 as know one knows whats that is suposed to be and maybe change it to "RV campground and trip reports" which lets it cover the whole board instead of just little stickys in the truck camper or motorhome groups. also lets people see what kind of places other types of rv's can get to instead of just seeing parking lots with power in the motorhome group ๐ and as for "RV Must haves" it can just go softly into the night, there is a "must have" thread in every groupe for a type of rv which makes a lot more sence because a lot of must haves are dependent on the type of rv. as for the groupls I am not a fan of how they split up all the geographical areas to twice the number of groups then got rid of canada / alaska and just called us international but it still works on that side.