Suggestion: Can unread posts in Forums Feed be bold and in black
I love that the Forums Feed shows that there are unread posts. It's a much needed feature that is going to be very helpful. But can you make it easier to spot?
When I log in I like the ability to just see a list of the topics I have not yet seen or ones that have new posts. In the past we had a way to display only unread posts. Since that appears to be gone, can we fine tune the Forums Feed to make it obvious that there are new posts?
Below is just a screen shot I mocked up that shows the the forum feed with the number of unread posts in bold. This seems to make it way more easy to spot.
The top one is in Good Sam green with the date of the most recent post.
The second one has already been visited with no new posts
The third one is in black with the date of the most recent post? That way we can just quickly scan and spot the unread ones and see how long ago they posted?
Thank you
Thank you