Need-A-Vacation wrote:
Since we always camp with others (more than 1 site) I stole the jug lantern idea from the tent campers for a little light around the campsites. Worked great, just a little glow, but was something different at the same time.
I cut a 2x8 so it was square. Then cut a 4" hole in the center. I put a Harbor Freight special 27 led light $3.99 bought on sale for $2.49 or $2.99 (can't remember). Sorry no pics of the base.
Added water and food coloring:

Had six jugs total placed around, all different colors. Purple didn't glow very well, green was pretty good. Both red and orange worked well also. Don't throw out a lot of light so it shouldn't disturb the neighbors.
Plan on making orange jugs for our Halloween trip.
Mods: If this should be in a different forum , please move! Wasn't sure where to put this!
Wonder how it would work if you made the hole small enough to use an 'up-side-down' Solo Party Cup. They come in red, blue, green, and yellow that I know of.