Old-Biscuit wrote:
...My 12VDC Flojet Macerator is 8 yrs old.
Use it to pump 75' with a 2' rise.
Works great and I always have 12VDC
I have a newer Flojet that failed. There appears to be something wrong with the material construction of the brushes on the unit I have.
I think the brushes have a higher resistance then should be; makes them get hot and the brush holder melts and fuses to the brushes. I guess I should have taken photos.
I actually got a set of older brushes, and replaced the first failed brush. Well, of course, the brush I did not replace failed even worse then the original and made the brush holder a molten mess and as such the motor was then essentially trash.
Newer items purchased seem to be of lesser and lesser quality these days.Buyer beware of new purchases.