Another question is how many batteries do you have? If you have less than 4, I don't think you will be happy with the installation, as just after making coffee or toast, you will need to spend the next 2 hours recharging the batteries.
My toaster takes 150 amps from my battery bank (4 of them) and it really depletes it. If I was running the engine anyway, it all comes from the alternator and the #2 wire recharges the battery fairly quickly. If it comes from the solar system, it would take about 8 hours of good sun to replace 150 amp hours, or about 2 days with my small 415 rated watt solar system.
I rarely use my built in 1,500 watt inverter. After using the microwave on the inverter a couple of times, less than 5 minutes total, I had to replace it, the cooking speed was very long, due to it cooking very slowly, I think the modified sine wave power damaged it.
For watching TV, it was always much more energy efficient to run the smaller 150 watt or 300 watt portable inverter. With those, I installed a new cirgarette lighter receptacle near the TV set, and did not need to run extension cords or anything, it powered the TV great, and only used about 6.5 amps instead of 10.5 when using the larger inverter to run the 19" tube type TV and Direct TV receiver.