bdpreece wrote:
The entire fixture just shoves into a hole in the ceiling and is held in by spring clips. You should be able to pull the fixture down and remove it from the ceiling. While holding the upper portion of the fixture you should be able to twist the glass to remove it . If your lens is plastic you most probably do not have the same type of lights since these are halogen and get very hot and would most probably melt a plastic lens.
X2, the spring clips on either side are quite stout and once you can get one to let loose you can work with the other one to spring it upwords the bring the assembly out. The portion that screwed off was glass and only took a 1/2 turn or so the unloosen and it was a 'keyed' fixture. Ive ordered some bulbs and will have to see how they work out, so far only 10 ordered and the total amount was under 25 bucks. They are supposed to be 12 pads, 120 lums and in the 3500k range @2.5 watts. Will have to see how they work out but bulbs close to that are anywhere from 3-10 dollars which is insane.