Cummins12V98 wrote:
mileshuff wrote:
I never saw reason for auxiliary tanks myself. My truck holds 34 gallons. When towing I average 10mpg so thats 340 miles between fill ups. My legs and bladder need a break anyways by then. No need to go much over 300 miles without a break so I just make it a fill up, bathroom, snack break all in one.
I agree!
Even with the 32 gal tank my new RAM will have I will have plenty of fuel.
Our older F250 gassers only had 29 gallon tanks so at 10mpg that is only 290 miles max.. We typically would start looking for gas stations at 240 miles.. Often taking 30 miles or so to find a station which was easy enough to get in/out of AND didn't require a 20 mile hike on a narrow road off the Interstate (yep, did THAT ONLY ONCE, now we do not pull off the Interstate for fuel unless we can SEE the station).
Our 2013 F250 has a bigger tank but we still seemed to have to short hop often filling up at 275 miles..
Adding the extra 15 gallon tank extended our range enough to stop those short fillups.
We still stop every few hrs to stretch out but it takes LESS time during those stops than what it takes when you have to stop and fuel up. Out of 1500 miles eliminating a few fuel stops allowed us to reach our destination each way nearly 2 hrs faster!
I personally do not find gas stations to be a very good place to get out and stretch.. Most any that are close to Interstate exits tend to be very busy, traffic trying to get in/out, long waits to get to the pumps. They also tend to have long, long, long waits to get into dingy, crummy often putrid single stall restrooms..
Not having to fillup as often lets US decide (not the truck)where to pull off to stretch.. Mall parking lots, restaurants, retail store lots or highway rest stops. Makes for a good excuse to get a treat from Dairy Queen along the way!