You can do a simple test as I did to find out the flow when fully open. Get at least a 2 gallon or bigger bucket and a watch. turn shower faucet on full, both hot and cold. start watch and at the same time put the shower head into the bucket. Let run for 1 minute and immediately remove shower head from bucket, shut shower off. Now measure how much water is in the bucket. In my case it was 1 and 1/2 gallons in one minute. or 1 1/2 GPM . So if you have a 6 gallon water heater and you mix hot and cold at 50 50, (6 gallons hot and 6 gallons cold) you can take a 8 minute full blast shower before running out of hot water. Turn the water faucet down a little and you can probably run that out to 10 minutes. `What's not to like about that???? I just turn the hot water on full and then add just as much cold until the temp is just like I want it, never nave to turn cold on full blast, just experiment ad you will get it right. Great investment.