Thanks for the feedback. The spray would be tough to do with he sealed underbelly although I've been thinking about some aluminum flashing around the edge as an alternative. The DW was wondering if I could somehow turn that into an electric fence-Ha.
I don't know how well urine will work in combination with snow. I know gardeners who walk around their plots dragging a shovelful of Cougar dung in the spring and that very slight smell is effective but again, snow.
I've also heard steel wool solutions and might be willing to try it except for the rust and the mess.
Mama S showed up while I was doing the repairs and I didn't have my .22 but I threw at least 22 things at her without any luck.
I hear those words about Mom and the kids returning. Mom I worry about but the young ones were already invited for dinner by other wildlife. Hope to see more of them.