We bought one of
these from our dealer when we purchased our Outback last September and then found out Wall Mart has them also. Wall Mart was cheaper, and you can buy just the filter without the hose, in 2 packs.
We've never used a filter before, except for a PUR on our kitchen faucet. We used it the first time on our December Florida trip, and it was great!
We live in the country, on a well, and we do not have any filters at home. We have a high iron content in our water. If water sits for any length of time, it has a tendency to turn red. Early January when we got hit with all that snow and they were predicting power outages, I used this filter to catch 12 gallons of water in the house. I hooked it up to the washing machine hook-ups because I did not want to risk using frozen outside faucets. I attached a hose on the other end to catch in the containers. The filter removed all the iron. 10 days later, after the snow crisis was over, we decided to dump that water. Before doing so, I poured a glass and looked at it .... crystal clear!
Well, I'm a believer now! Actually, I'm going to pick up a couple more of these to use at the house, especially when we hook up water for the camper.
They are easy, disposable, and don't cost a fortune. The dealer said they should last one season, but I suppose that depends upon how much water you run through it. Still, at less than $10 for one (in a 2 pack from Wall Mart), you can't beat that! And they are always fresh as you can throw them away when you feel they are getting too old and you don't feel like you're going broke to replace them.