I've always wondered if you could raise one end a little bit to fit the longer SxS into the 12' garage.
I just did a little math and it turns out you'd have to raise it quite a bit to gain those four inches. If my math is right, you'd need to raise one end up almost 35 inches. That seems like a lot.
(a) is the amount you would need to lift one end,
(b) is 12 feet garage (or 144 inches), and
(c) is the hypotenuse, the length of the 12'4" Razor (or 148 inches)
(34.17601^2) + (144^2) = (148^)
That's a pretty tall lift to squeeze those extra four inches into the twelve foot garage.
It seemed more viable in my head until I saw how much you would have to raise the end. That doesn't seem safe at all.