Forum Discussion

Jvincent's avatar
May 17, 2016

2008 carriage slide issue

I just purchased a used 2008 carriage domani. I thought I had went over everything thoroughly before I brought it home but of course I have found a few issues. The black "plastic" like covering on the bottom of the trailer has pulled out of the screws. What is the best way to replace it? Is there something better? The main slide sticks when being brought in at about the halfway point. If I push while the wife operates it goes the rest of the way. I thought it probably just needed to be lubed but upon further inspection I noticed the sleeve that the rail slides along is basically completely wore away. Is there a way to replace the sleeve? I will try to add some pics as a reference. Any help to a newbie would be greatly appreciated.
  • If you check out this web site you will find Carriage owners that can help you with your question.
  • I have a 2008 Carriage Cameo. Regarding the he black "plastic" like covering on the bottom of the trailer that has pulled out of the screws. I would recommend repairing versus replacing. There are several products that do a good to great job for repairing depending on the location. If you have an area around screws then look at some stuff called CS Hyde UHMW Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethelene Tape with Acrylic adhesive, 20 mil (Amazon). This is awesome stuff especially in a friction area like the bottom of a slide. The other stuff I use for general maintenance and tears is the 2" wide double glue black Gorilla tape. Whatever you use be sure the surface you are going to stick it to is clean. I use alcohol in a spray bottle to wipe down the surrounding area.

    Regarding the slide, the old Carriage forum had information on the slides. I am guessing some parts should be obtainable from Lifestyle.

    New forum:
  • You might get a better response on the Lifestyle-Carraige forum. There is quite a few post on slide problems and how to resolve them. Good luck and hope you enjoy your Domani.
  • Congratulations on your Domani. We really enjoy ours. The large slide runs on steel rollers that are supported by the frame brackets. They look to be about 1.17" diameter by 4.125" long. They appear to be held in place by a shaft as there are cotter pins on each side. Where to find replacements? My guess is the slide construction is the same as the Cameo which were produced in larger quantities. Could be the Cameo owners could give you suggestions for parts. If no luck, it looks like it would be fairly easy to have it fabricated. I can give you the exact dimensions if you decide that route.