Tar wrote:
I am thinking about upgrading to a 2015 2500hd duramax to pull my 34' 9600# fifth wheel from my current 2500 gas truck and wondering what fuel mileage to expect pulling in mostly flat land travel with some small hills?
Most diesels in the 250/2500, 350/3500 class seem to get between 9 and 12 mpg. It really all depends on how you drive. I went from a solid 10 to about 11.5 avg by slowing down to 60 mph from 65. Doesn't mean that I don't drive 65 when I need to, but I much prefer 60. This is with the '02 D'max in my sig. You like to drive 70-75, count on 8-9, or less. Headwinds can cost you 3-4 mpg and vice versa.