cummins2014 wrote:
Why all the advice on 250/2500, knowing full well the 1 ton is the better choice in many ways :h
If the OP is buying BRAND NEW, I would suggest a 1 ton Single Rear Wheel.
But if buying a used truck, there are simply more 3/4 ton trucks out there and most will handle small to medium size 5th wheels just fine.
Not to go too far off into the weeds, but other than a couple of the newest trucks, for the longest time, the only difference between a 3/4 and 1 ton SRW was the leaf springs, so if you bought a 3/4 ton and it squatted too much for comfort, it was relatively cheap and easy to swap out the springs and functionally you had the 1 ton SRW. (some of the newer models actually do have more differences in the rear suspension/axle)