ToddD wrote:
TxGearhead wrote:
As of 12-20-2017:
Thank you for reaching out with interest in the Reflection 337RLS; I work for Grand Design RV and would be happy to assist in answering your questions.
The Andersen Ultimate Hitch is not approved by Lippert, our frame manufacturer, to work with their chassis. We do have several customers that use this set up, however if there is damage resulting in improper use and/or setup, Lippert and GDRV would not be able to cover the warranty work.
See! I wasn’t trolling!
No you were not trolling. I called Lippert this past July as we were purchasing a GD 303. Dealer wanted to put a AUH hitch in, so I went home and did some research. Ended up calling GD, who referred me to Lippert techline. I was told on the phone, that Lippert will not warranty a trailer frame that was damaged due to use of the AUH. Said he had two cases on his desk that were being denied. Plus the photos of the lady in Texas that had one collapse on her was more than enough for me.