Forum Discussion

FireRob's avatar
Jan 02, 2017

Any Need To Worry About This Size Fuel/Tool Box In Bed?

I'm looking at the RDS Fuel Toolbox Combo 91 gal model# 72748. It measures
55" Wide (across the width of the bed)
22 1/4" tall
30" Deep (from the cab end of bed towards the tail gate)

I don't own a fiver yet but will one day, most likely a toy hauler. I have the truck in the sig, a Ram 3500 DRW Long-bed with the factory fifth wheel prep puck system. Just want to make sure I shouldn't have any clearance issues with this box with any fiver and hitch system. I think I'm mostly concerned with the Height and a little with the depth. If I remember right it will stick above the bed rails by about and inch and a quarter (I could be off, forgot what that measured).

I like this RDS box because of the 9" deep tool box vs the almost same one with the 6" deep tool box. I keep my current cross bed box full of stuff and know I'll have to sort through the essential's because I'll loose most of the tool storage space when I switch to the RDS.

So all that said, anyone have any problems? Are there any trailers or hitches you know of that won't work if I get this auxiliary tank? I figure I shouldn't have issues but wanted to hear what y'all have to say before I pull the trigger on this tank.

Many Thanks,
  • We elected to get on OEM replacement tank and have a Highwayman tool box and companion box in the bed of the truck. We are full timers and the spouse like to have his tools available. We have the B&W Companion hitch.
  • Personally I would not waste precious storage space for fuel. I have a bed height tool box that is 30" front to back that works well with the B&W RVK3600 factory puck system.

    I do carry a "modified" 5 of diesel and have only needed to use it once. I have been fulltiming for 5+ years all over the West.

    The box you mention would end up looking very similar to mine. Bottom line DON'T buy one that will be higher than the bed rails!

  • The only thing I can think of is the clearance between the tank and the front pucks, will you have enough room to operate the cams on the frame.
  • You could always mock up a tank out of plywood or cardboard. 5th wheel measurements & pics should be available online.
  • 2oldman wrote:
    I had an in-bed tank. The problem came when making a sharp turn on un-level ground. If the 5er rises up, the nose will come down and strike the tank.

    I agree, at 22-1/4 inches tall, that is higher than the bed side rails. So, if clearance to the underside of the fiver is marginal, the lid of the tool box may get damaged. It's just aluminum, so minimal risk to the fiver.
  • Bob,
    I have an RDS 45 gallon tank in our truck, I don't think you'll have an issue at all. We have the puck system with a B & W hitch and a small tool box behind the tank. My only regret is I wish I would've bought the combo you're thinking of purchasing. Our tank came out of our "old" truck and having a higher capacity tank would be even more useful.

    I LOVE having the extra fuel capacity! Good luck on your decision.

  • stickdog wrote:
    djgarcia wrote:
    Do you have a gas or diesel engine?

    Read his signature says cummins, I think that's a diesel how about you?

    Just when you thought you added way more than enough info that all the basics were covered.... and to think I thought I rambled on too much. I didn't think to think the engine in the front of the truck under the hood would effect the clearance issues of anything I put in the bed...

    All kidding aside, I think I see where the question of gas or diesel came from, assuming he was going to warn me gas is not appropriate for this tank. Yes I'm aware of that. I'm not asking about that. To answer the question, yes it's a "Cummins" engine and it uses diesel fuel and diesel fuel is what I plan on putting in the RDS tank. Unless you think unleaded will make my CTD work better? (Again only joking!!!)

    Ok back on topic (hope I didn't just derail my own post) Need anymore info? Let me know. I'll try not to be so.... oh what's the word "snarky" when you ask. I just couldn't resist this time. Love this forum!
  • djgarcia wrote:
    Do you have a gas or diesel engine?

    Read his signature says cummins, I think that's a diesel how about you?
  • I had an in-bed tank. The problem came when making a sharp turn on un-level ground. If the 5er rises up, the nose will come down and strike the tank.