Forum Discussion

renojack's avatar
Sep 15, 2020

Anyone towing 5er with 6.7 ctd Ram 2500 short bed ???

I am considering a 5er with dry pin weight of 2090lbs,11,000 dry weight and 6'4" bed on 2016 Ram 2500. I understand the payload numbers problem but I am looking for reasonable real RVers experience and advice with this combo. No plans for full time and can only estimate I travel with 1000 lbs gear. How much does 500 lbs in front pass through storage, 2 propane and battery (150lbs) add to pin. About half the weight? Thanks.
  • first thing is to forget the dry weights, unless you never plan to add any personal supplies to the trailer. Look at the sticker on the left front for the trailers GVWR....This is the most the trailer can weigh loaded. Now for an estimated pin weight when loaded, take 20% of the trailer GVWR. Use these numbers for sizing your truck.

    Pay no attention to the folks that tell you they are towing fine with no mention of weight or dry weights.

    Take the estimated pin weight plus the hitch weight plus passengers in the truck plus any cargo in the truck. This total is to le less than the pay load capacity of the truck. The payload should be on a yellow sticker on the drivers door jamb.

  • I have a 2007.5 Ram 2500 CTD and I pull a 10,600 dry OpenRange. We've had it for 10 years and have not had any problems hauling it with that truck. And the wife thinks heavy crocks make nice decorations in the camper...
    I would suggest an autosliding hitch. Camping last week we were two site's down from another short bed Dodge that had a dent in the cab, a new rear window and a scuff on his nice Grand Design fifthwheel.
  • I think a real world pin wt, starting with 2,100 dry, adding what you are thinking, would give a loaded pin of approximately 2,700 lbs. Depending what hitch and adapter, you should still be within the RAWR of 6,500. Tires likely good for 7K+

    IMO, that FW will get you close to max, but will work.

  • I have a 2011 short bed Ram 6.7 and tow a 5th wheel with it. I can’t really speak to the pin weight question since my trailer is significantly lighter, but I’m very pleased with how the Ram tows. I have a B/W turnover ball with their Companion Slider hitch.
  • Your truck should weigh 31-3200 on the rear ,so you should be fine on payload.For your truck get the low profile Andersen as its shorter leaving room for a tool box etc.I had one in our 15 ram dually,absolutely loved it,towed a 17500 lb fiver.There are 4 ways to set it up,very easy to do,i used the B/W TURNOVER BALL.
  • Just one more try. The Ram has 6500 gawr rear axle and I am proposing an Andersen hitch in existing puck system.