Forum Discussion

handlinranch's avatar
Jan 06, 2014

Aqua-hot system with dual switch

Have read multiple articles, and posts about servicing the aquahot, but cant find much at all on actual using the electric or diesel blower. When to use diesel blower, or just use the electric switch. How much heat do you get using the electric?
  • Hi,

    I seem to remember that the electric switch is 1500 watts. That is 5120 btu's.

    If there are two thermostats I'd run the electric, and have the diesel set to cut in when the electric can no longer handle the load.

    I don't have a system but would love to own one.
  • Electric will be all the heat you need. Just a little longer to heat up than using the Diesel. Use the electric when shore-power is available and diesel when it is not.