Forum Discussion

outwestbound's avatar
Jul 19, 2017

Are tire pressure monitoring systems accurate?


Just wondering, do users of monitoring systems find the TPMS's reported pressures to be consistent with mechanical measurements, like gauges? I have a couple gauges, one of which is a fancy, liquid filled gauge on a "power tank" inflation system. I fill my tires and then the TMPS says I'm 2 pounds less consistently across all 10 fifth wheel tires, under identical temperature and elevation conditions (same parking spot) . If the TMPS is systemically low it's ok I guess, as long as I know and can calibrate the high/low alarms accordingly.

I don't know which measurement to trust.


Thanks all!
  • I have multiple Accu-Gage tire gauages. For a small fee (mostly for return shipping) they calibrated them all to the same standard. Calibration and repair is a free lifetime service if you pay return postage.

    +/-2 PSI is about as accurate as you can expect from two different gauges that are independently calibrated.
  • Second Chance wrote:
    My TPMS (TireMinder) reads several PSI higher than my two gauges. This is the case for the six tires on the truck at 65 PSI and the four on the trailer at 110 PSI. I just set the TPMS for the pressures indicated when everything has been verified by a known-good gauge. The TPMS alarms based on percent variance and it has saved us on at least one occasion.

    Wouldn't leave home without my Tire Minders!! Those lil' babies have saved our bacon twice and Tire Minder Research is a real class act! They do vary between five lbs so you kinda' play the middle and I have a good digital air gauge to keep them honest. If you have a problem they are there for you and I think it's cool that they send you free replacement batteries and O-rings for 5 sheckles to cover their postage!

    Red Green: And to the rest of you, thanks for watching. On behalf of myself and Harold and the whole gang up here at Possum Lodge... keep your stick on the ice.
  • Thanks for all the good comments. I think I'll just put a little more in using the gauge on my Co2 tank, so I'm on target with the TMPS.
  • ALL measuring devices have some Inaccuracy. None are perfect including the hand held mechanical ones.
  • 2 psi isn't going to make much difference. Set the tire so it's 1 psi lower than one gauge and 1 psi higher than the other. That's basically how silly it is to worry about 1-2 psi. Pick one reading and go with it.

    You're actually interested in overall change, and rate of change. If you're losing 5 psi every day, it doesn't really matter that you started at 82 psi, or 80 psi. The level of change and speed at which it happens is what you should be interested in.
  • My TPMS is about 3-4 psi higher than my gauge but I always set for the TPMS been told by maker TST that its more accurate.
  • My TPMS (TireMinder) reads several PSI higher than my two gauges. This is the case for the six tires on the truck at 65 PSI and the four on the trailer at 110 PSI. I just set the TPMS for the pressures indicated when everything has been verified by a known-good gauge. The TPMS alarms based on percent variance and it has saved us on at least one occasion.