tonymull wrote:
Where we camp there are always lakes to take water from for bathing, hand washing and flushing. All our toilet trips are to the outhouse except those middle of the night ones. Cooking and drinking water we take in jugs. We only use about a gallon a day, two tops. I haven't used water to brush my teeth for years. But I doubt you can use us for an example. Hardly anyone camps like we do.
This is the way we do it, maybe a gallon a day wit two pots of coffee for the two of us. A little for instant oatmeal, 1 1/2 cups maybe. We have even used lake water for coffee at times as we perk on the stove.
2 oz each for brushing teeth.
Boondocking is all about conserving. We have 2 2 1/2 gallon water jugs to take to the hand pump. Worst case also have a 5 gallon.
When out west if the CG doesn't have water, we refill the water jugs during a town run.