Artum Snowbird wrote:
Easy fix. Either your positive to the battery, or your negative to the battery both from the converter has a loose connection.
Cut a short wire and screw it into the negative terminal on the converter, then use your jumper cable to connect to that, and to the negative on the battery. Plug in to power. Do the lights get bright. It's the negative side that has a loose connection.
If not, do the same, by itself, with the positive side at the converter, and to the positive side of your battery. Do the lights get bright. It's the positive side that has a loose connection.
In my case, I found the main negative terminal at the converter to be loose, my batteries went down when I was plugged in, and came up when I drove. I wiggled the wire, and bingo, found the problem just like that.
Start there, at the converter with the main positive and negative feed screw terminals to the battery.
Your idiot lights on the charging terminal should show full lights when plugged in. When my cable was loose, the idiot lights kept going lower and lower.
I'll try this tomorrow p.m. Thanks