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BlueJean's avatar
Dec 14, 2013

Battery advise needed

So excited! Just picked up my Cougar 5er!
I am so proud of myself, never having towed one, the truck and trailer combo are matched great! When I got home the only place to put it was in front of my house, which meant parallel parking it in between the neighbors vehicles in front of their houses!
Need some advice about coach batteries.
I just got home with my new-to-me 2013 Cougar 5er.
The walk-through when well, had a few things that needed R&R. But dummy me didn't have them unplug it to check the battery charge. They are near dead and for good reason.
I "assumed" that a 2013 would have 2013 batteries. NOPE!
The prior owner not only kept the shore-line ( got one from the sales guy) , but they switched 2008's for the the original batteries!

Why do people do that? I believe in the Golden Rule.

Anyway, I've heard some have put 6v in line instead of 12v. How does that work?
  • If you put two batteries, 2 6 volt in series, or two 12 volt in parallel make sure both are close as possible in build dates, (ideal would be to have two batteries with sequential serial numbers i.e. ...1 & ...2. If they are not perfectly matched the weak one will bring the other down to its level. Also, do you do a lot of dry camping? If you only go from plugged in camp site to another plugged in camp site IMHO you do not need to hassle with two batteries. One gel cell will be long lasting hassle free alternative. A little pricey, but one gel would be cheaper than two lead acid!
  • They are taller, about 1.5 inches. They are about the same rectangular shape. Slightly shorter in length and same width as group 24.
  • I plan on many unplugged days, so looking at 6v seems logical.
    I am going to go over the whole setup today with a meter and determine if the 12v are even in right.
    Are 6v just taller than 12's or bigger all over? NP if they are just taller.
  • What kind of camping do you do? If you always camp where you can plug in then big, multiple, or fancy batteries are a complete waste of money. Just get the cheapest group 24 you can find.
    If you do need some battery capacity then yes, 2 6v in series will be better than 1 or 2 12v batteries. If that's not enough capacity, use 2 sets of 6v for a total of 4.
  • 6-V golf cart are great - but you need to find a vented battery box to put them in, because they are too tall for the standard type boxes. I ended up going to a blue sea marine box and modified the top and bottom to accept the vents.

    I was too lazy on this rig, and just went to the 2 27 series 12V, as it came with two battery boxes already.
  • Even old batteries should have charged while plugged in
    They aren't shorted...bad cells etc
    Converter is functioning....good AC power in (AC circuit breaker ON or outlet it is plugged into has AC power). The reverse polarity fuses (2 large fuses on converter) aren't blown for hooking cables up wrong when swapping batteries.
    And battery disconnect switch is in proper position.

    Take it you have dual batteries?
    In separate battery boxes?
    May not have room for 6V batteries. They are larger than 12V

    Check that batteries are even getting a charge......converter output should be 13.6V DC with batteries disconnected
    Then check the reverse polarity fuses
    Then check battery ground...clean tight connection to frame

    And you can get batteries load tested at an auto parts store.

    6V batteries give more amp hours IF you have room to install
    Great for boondocking
    BUT if you don't do much boondocking then the dual 12V are just fine
  • Two six volt batteries wired in series. Gives more power for longer dry camping.
    I have seen where previous owners have swapped good batteries out and have put in their old batteries. Many dealers do it as well.