Forum Discussion

pigpen1003's avatar
Aug 17, 2014

Battery Shut Off Switch

When my battery shut off switch is turned off, All 12v power should be disconnected right? My smoke alarm went off when the battery in it went dead. When I removed the battery It still cherped!! What's up with that. How does it get power to let me know my battery is bad when it is removed???
  • Household smoke alarms do that too. I think there might be a capacitor or something that store the power for a bit.
  • Sorry people I realized I have it plugged in and the switch for the main batt turned on, My BAD
  • No when I disconnect the 12v battery, how does the smoke alarm cherp when I remove the9v battery in the alarm? it cherps every few min without a 9v batt. crazy isn't it. It has to get volts from somewhere
  • Depends on how your switch is wired. Mine shuts everything off. I know that because I installed it and it goes between a battery cable and the battery. There are no other wires going to that battery terminal.

  • Some things you can not turn off the power for safety reasons Power to my power step can not be turned off, reason, so you can not step out and the stairs not be there.
  • I believe your carbon monoxide detector will stay on. When we park our MH for several months I always disconnect the batteries. I think our radios, front and rear also keep power for some reason. There are probably other parasitic loads also.

    Disconnect your batteries if it's going to be a while until the next trip. You need to be in the battery compartment anyway to check the battery connections for corrosion and water levels. I leave a wrench wired inside of the battery compartment to make it easy and quick.

  • You're confusing me? Smoke alarms are usually powered by a 9 volt battery. You your battery went dead. Which one? The camper house battery? or the 9 volt in the smoke alarm? Which battery did you remove? The 9 volt in the smoke alarm or the house battery in your camper?

    If you removed your camper house battery, the reason your smoke alarm still chirped is because the alarm has a 9 volt battery (just like in your house), and it needs replacing. It's not connected to your camper electrical system at all.
  • Smoke alarms are generally powered by a 9 volt battery not your house battery