Forum Discussion

oldbird1965's avatar
Nov 11, 2015

beat to death!

I guess if you have a new truck you don't care about the subject of brake controllers! I have had several and the most disappointing is the Tekonsha P3. I have sent three of them back and they have sent me three replacements. I swear this thing has almost killed my wife and I. If it wasn't for the brake handle on the controller we would have been in a wreak. I have gone over the setting with their tech department and nothing seems to work. Its not the pickup or the wiring or fuses. I have put on a cheap one and when set on a high mode it will put you thru the windshield. My 5er has disk brakes and I want your opinion on what is the best brake controller out there. Any thing besides a Tekonsha, that will never be in my truck again. If any of you have a Tekonsha, I hope I didn't step on your toes. It just doesn't work for me. Thanks!
  • There are a lot of happy P3 owners out I just don't know what might be happening with yours. Are you saying it wont brake when asked when the truck brakes are applied...or it locks up so hard the trailer is skidding?
  • My P3 has been flawless. Are you sure you have it set for hydraulic disk brakes not just electric brakes?