ependydad wrote:
Lantley wrote:
As other have mentioned. My pin box will contact the track of the rolling cover in a tight unlevel turn turn.
Like tuning left as you exit my driveway.:S
The fatal damage did not occur at once. I tried to adjust and compensate during the turn. Eventually the occasional dings ruined the track and damaged the rolling cover to the point of no return.
I eventually switched to a back flip G2 cover. The back flip mounts differently and does not reduce the size of the bed as much. I prefer the design of the rolling covers like the Retrax which is why I tried to keep using it, but in the end the Retrax simply was not compatible with my pin box.
Thanks Lantley. I have a Retrax and an extended pin box. I haven't noticed a whole lot of contact, but do know that it occurs occasionally.
Guess it's another thing to watch...
It really depends on the entire combo and the terrain. A 1/2" can make all the difference. I've read a couple of threads where the combo and tonneau cover seemed to be well matched until one day that extra sharp turn was made or a sharp turn was made onto a sloping road.
I am aware that uphill left turns of more than 90º can be an issue. I avoid those turns if possible, however I have one of those turns leaving my driveway if I choose to go left. After the issues with the Retrax I now always exit my driveway to the right and avoid the sloping left turn.
If you haven't had any issues you are probably OK, but it is one more thing to watch for.
Unfortunately I don't think there is a one size fits all answer as to which cover will work. Pin box,truck,tire size,hitch and terrain make it hard to determine what tonneau cover is 100% fool proof.
Many covers maybe 98% acceptable, however Murphy's Law thrives on that 2% error rate that will only occur under just the right circumstances.
Like when you are cutting the wheel as tight as possible to clear a tree, in order to make it into a sloping camp site!