Pin Box Level = YES
Andersen Levelers = SUPER YES
Lego-Style Level Blocks for the rear = YES
Lots of scrap wood and blocks = OF COURSE
We have the stick-on levels right near the landing gear switch so we can get it close while running the switch. They're usually pretty spot-on. The pin box level is a must for side-to-side before unhooking.
The Andersen Level Chocks are great. They can tend to sink in the sand and in other unstable ground materials, so its useful to carry a long board to drive onto and then use the levelers.
Me Again wrote:
Search and read about Andersen levelers cracking and breaking. Chris
I've read a few reports of this, but they're basically just background noise when compared to endless number of customers who are extremely well pleased with them. They have a warranty, Andersen stands behind their products, and if they did break, then you just do something different for that trip and replace them later. Every person that we camp with (except for the pop-up folks) use them and love them.