Forum Discussion

Fisher_Bill's avatar
Nov 13, 2018

Blowout took out my slide wiring

So we took a trip from the Portland area to see my step son and fiance in Vegas last month, we spent a transient night in Sparks both ways and heading out of Reno my transmission control module blew on the Chevy so had to drive a little more cautious on the hills and had to use manual coming down them.

Not really bothering me but when we were about 20 minutes from home on I-5 I felt some bucking and looked in the rear view mirror in time to see the drivers side rear tire blow and belch out some smoke.

Pulled it right over and checked out the damage, small bend to the skirting so not difficult to repair but after changing the tire I saw the wiring had wrapped up in the back my hub where the brakes are.

It took me as long to get the wires out of the hub as it did to change he tire.

I went to our local Discount tire and had GY endurance tires put on and they noticed the failed Carlisle was dated 2015 and they asked me if I'd like them to ship that tire back to them and start a claim so I said yes and I'm not sure where that process will go.

The wiring was really hammered and the AC line was sucked out of the slide and none of the lights work either, I have the unit going in today and wondered if I can get the tire company to help cover the wiring costs?

I also feel like my brakes are not grabbing, when I went to the tire shop I didn't feel much on the manual switch and before it worked well.

I have full coverage insurance but not sure how much the repairs are going to run.

Should I press the tire company to cover this? Should I use insurance or just bite the bullet and get it fixed?

I'm afraid to hook up the shore power and get some sort of short so hopefully it can be done quickly and maybe better to some degree but I've wondered if anyone else had a similar situation and how you fared.

  • Unlikely to get any satisfaction from Carlisle, but it sure doesn't hurt to try. That's a shame, as I thought Carlisle was getting their act together after making some sorry excuses for tires around 2010.

    It sounds like you may have pulled a wire loose from the brake, maybe inside the drum/axle. A lot of the brake wires can be daisy-chained together, so if you lose one wire, you may lose another also.
  • Several years back we had a tire separate and take out part of our step, fender, and some underbelly work. We called our insurance company and the RV shop turned in all the work. Our deductible was $250 and all the work was close to $2k. On top of that, even though the culprit tire was not covered, the nearby tire that was also damaged was. It was all under comprehension and our insurer told us to not ever hesitate to turn something like this in as it doesn't go against you. Sorry that happened.
  • blow outs can happen on any brand don,t think your going to get any help from them ,but turn a claim into your insurer. might call them before the repairs for approval.