I've replaced the scare bulbs with LEDs from Super Bright LEDS ( https://www.superbrightleds.com/cat/rv-led-lights/?view=standard ). They probably aren't the cheapest but what they do give you is a list of bulbs with a description of the lumens, color temperature, direction of beam angle and quantity of actual LED bulbs in the array. I ended up with 360 lumens with a clear 6200K color. These have a bit too blue light for me, but they will stay. Gotta say that if these were meant to 'scare' someone, they will. The tail/brake light bulbs have been converted as well and are bright vs the poor light output originally supplied with the 2057's
A note about buying LEDs - you need to purchase the same color LED as the lens - and many porch lights are amber while tail/brake lights are red - and need the proper color for proper light transmittal.