ford truck guy wrote:
we had someone over on the Redwood forum that this happened to.. His wife used to follow him in another vehicle , that is how they found it..
I placed a 6" strip of Eternabond over the area where the front cap meets the roofline. . Hopefully this will do 2 things -
protect against a leak . .
Protect against a bubble up issue..
^^^^ Exactly what I did. Conducting a post-flight inspection on the roof, and noticed the Dicor had split where the roof meets the front cap. Documented it and sent it to the dealer, figured I'd fix it myself with 6" Eternabond. I described to the dealer what I was going to do, and Forest River said that's exactly how they would remediate the problem as well.
Do I still have the balloon issue? I haven't had Chock 2 check it out since my repair, but it doesn't appear that the Eternabond is budging, so I'm happy.