Cummins12V98 wrote:
Thanks for the nice comments. I worked Commercial construction for 35 years and you learn how to properly handle amazing weights without hurting your self.
Honestly my back feels fine today. Just wanted to show how a person can remove and load a heavy base without a lift. I have nothing against people using a lift, just don't need or want one "YET".
It was a fun project and I want to thank my wife for taking all the pics.
OH, and Barney thank you for re opening the post!!!
I think I mentioned , I retired after 42 years in steel fabrication Sure we lifted a lot of steel . I'll give you an example before I was in management I was a press operator . We fabricated highway safety , that included highway guardrail . Before we had a rolling mill late 60's ,early 70's we did guardrail in sheets instead of roll forming . I would handle 2000 pieces of 100 lb 12 ga. sheets of guardrail , they were 19" wide by 13'-6" long . Throw them in a machine to punch ,and form . That was handling 200,000 lbs of steel in an 8 hour shift.
But give yourself 10 more years ,75 years old , you will most likely change your tune . At 65 , I still felt like I was 40, but maybe just a little slower ,but not much . 10 years has made a difference , and all those years of hard work does start to catch up with you ,it's inevitable , we age . :( enjoy that 65 it ends quickly . :)