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Linkbeltspeeder's avatar
Sep 28, 2013

BW's that don't drive

Just want to share an experienc we had. Owned our 5er for ten years and when we first got it I kidded my wife into learning the basics and even had her highway driving a few times.She did a good job but not quite comfortable with it.We moved to Florida 8 years ago and almost imediately her health issues curtailed our rving.

Finally last year we got back on the road and made a few trips with me driving as usual. This year we went back to Long Island for a visit
(avoid the BQE)while there I injured my left arm and lost the use of it for a while anyway.

Although she hadn't driven the trailer in over 9 years my WW said she could do it if I could manage the fuel stops. Which we did. After the first hour or so she took to it like a duck to water and did most of the driving all the way back to Florida.In fact although when I was driving 62 was fast enough she had no problem doing 70!

What I'm trying to convey is that you wives shouldn't be afraid to get behind the wheel when conditions allow as you never know when you might have to do so out of necessity!

Good luck and safe travels,

Mike & Lou-Anne
  • I guess I very lucky my DW loves to pull the fiver. She can drive it as good or better tham me. She had friends that had a farm and grading buisness and learned to drive the big vehicles including pulling a low-boy trailer with a bulldozer on it. So I am very comfortable when she drives, but a funny thing is her mother isn't so comfortable....last summer the DW wife drove to Myrtle Beach and her mom prayed all the way down! We made it safe and hads some laughs. I am very proud she does tow the fiver and I know all the DW's out there could with practice. You go DW's and single lady's!
  • Don't know what all the fuss is. I enjoy the freedom of hooking up and heading off on my own if I wish.

    I like it when DH drives as I can focus on my photography. But if he's tired or wants a break, I'm more than happy to sit in. If/when it is dark out, I prefer to drive as there's no doubt my night vision is better than his.

    When our dearly departed puppy became ill on a trip into Alaska and we had to make a 24-hour emergency drive to Vancouver B.C. and the only vet hospital in Western Canada that could treat the disease, I was the one who drove 10 hours through the night while DH slept. By 6 a.m. I was pretty tired so he took over as the sun came up.
  • Just want to share an experienc we had. Owned our 5er for ten years and when we first got it I kidded my wife into learning the basics and even had her highway driving a few times.She did a good job but not quite comfortable with it.

    Best thing you could have ever done.

    A car is one thing if only one spouse drives, but an RV, both need to know how to drive it.

    I full time and I have seen both sides of this. I've seen DH's have a medical issue or whatever while on the road and the wife is like a deer in the head lights about what to do next because they have never driven their RV.

    I have driven to date about 6 MH's for DW's that couldn't drive them after an emergency.

    When I was looking to buy my first used MH I ran across 2 that they were selling it because the DH had passed away and although the DW wanted to stay on the road she couldn't because she never learned anything about it or driven it.

    My best good feeling moment in my life was when I found the perfect for me MH from a full timer seller that the DH had died. I was talking to the DW and quickly learned she did not want to come off the road but she had never drove the MH.......I spent the next 2 weeks taking her out and showing her how to drive it.

    I didn't get to buy the deal of the century, but I know there is one happy lady out there still enjoying the RV life style after facing the loss of her spouse. :C

    There are tons of rally's across the US that always offer driving class's for spouse's so that in case of an emergency one can always get the MH where it needs to be.

    To the OP: Kudo's to your wife!
  • My DW doesn't want to learn to tow the trailer. SHe explains it like this.

    "Sure, I can drive it down the road. No problem there. But what scares me is some of the sticky situations we can get into. Or what happens when something goes wrong? No way you can tell me what to do in all situations. I don't want to get into a problem due to un-forseen circumstances, and put anyone's life at risk."

    I try to tell her that nobody knows what is going to happen around the next curve. But all we can do is the best we can at the time. And that we all act upon things with instinct.

    Her response..."Yeah, but I don't want to do the wrong thing by instinct. I can react with instinct in my little car. But with something that is 10 times longer, and 10 times heavier my instinct may be incorrect. The risk is too much."

    I don't push it. But I ask her..."OK, but what happens if we're on the road and I cannot continue to drive for some reason?" To which see replies..."I'll call your brother or my son to comes get me. They can be here in a couple days. And I can live in the trailer till they get here. That is no problem."

    And she is right. But, I still wish she would try it.
  • My wife is a better driver than I! She holds a higher, commercial license than I do.

    She shares the driving with me. I tow for about 2 hours and then she takes over.

    I'm not proud. If she would do all the driving, that would be O.K. with me.
  • My DW doesn't want to tow on the highway as she's afraid she won't know how to handle the rig in the event of an emergency situation and possibly over react. Same reason she won't drive on snow covered roads when we're not towing. She does back the trailer once we get to camp as she's quite good at it.
  • My DW is an amazing driver. Altho she doesn't like night or rain, she can and does handle them fine.

    we just pulled our first 5th wheel (new) 1300 miles home from Michigan, and she drove 1/2 the time. Neither of us had towed a 5th before. lots of closed car hauler travels tho.