This is my most favorite topic to read about on all the forums. Sometimes i wonder why when people try to explain this,…why they don't word Non-CDL as an "upgraded license?" We all know that we're not commercial, right? I just don't understand why "we" forget that the federal law set the ground rules,…and that each state can make them more stringent. If I'm wrong, someone please chime in. The Non-CDL license that is required in some states, is what allows us to legally drive vehicles or tow trailers over a certain weight rating that would normally be considered commercial in others. I, myself, am licensed in Texas. If you drive an RV that has a GVWR of more than 26k, and is registered in Texas, then you need at least a Class B Non-CDL. When i got my motorhome, I initially got stopped for speeding by a Texas Commercial Vehicle Enforcer. I knew that i needed the upgraded license at the time, but that was the chance that I took while driving to Arizona. He told me about the Non-CDL, but all I could do was play dumb and act like I was interested in his schooling on the side of the road. He also said that at that time, a lot of highway patrolman didn't even know about upgraded requirement. Needless to say, he let me go with just a warning. Another question that I have,…is if your state requires it, then why not consider it as cheap insurance? If you get involved in an accident, a government employee may not know his head from his tail at the scene of an accident, but i bet an attorney will know everything in between, standing before a judge.