christopherglenn wrote:
offtohavasu wrote:
Y-Guy wrote:
christopherglenn wrote:
I can find no exemptions for out of state vehicles from California's definition of a commercial vehicle.
Look at the second sentence, "Only California residents may obtain a California CDL."
Correct. As I mentioned earlier, if your state does not require the CDL, you don't need to get one to drive in California as a NON California resident. It falls under License Reciprocity.
As far as License Reciprocity, you are correct!! An out of state Class A CDL - and all licenses and registrations for that matter are recognized in all states. You do not have to register you TV and trailer in all states you are going to drive on public roads in, or have a license in all states you will be driving in. You DO have to follow the laws in the state you are in.
Dumb example, drive north on I81 from Tenn into VA with an active radar detector on your windshield. While legal in Tenn, you will be pulled over and sited in VA. You DO have to follow the laws in the state you are in.
You do have to follow the laws, such as speed limits, lane limitations, etc., but as far as the class of license, it falls under License Reciprocity. As I mentioned before, that's why a vehicle licensed in Arizona visiting California will NOT get a ticket for front tinted windows, because it's legal to have in Arizona. The reason licenses are accepted under license reciprocity is because each time a state would make a new law, you'd have to reclassify your license each time you intend to visit there. As a VISITOR from another state, your license is valid as it pertains to the requirements in YOUR state.