Forum Discussion

Mountain_Mama's avatar
Dec 09, 2014

Cedar Creek & Silverback

Is the Silverback just less "fancy" than the Cedar Creek?
  • momanor wrote:
    Does anyone here have a Silverback with the cathederal slides. We are interested in this brand but it looks to me that water will sheet off the door side slide and anyone entering or leaving will get soaked in a downpour.

    Yes I have the 29IK with the cathedral slide and the rain doesn't affect anyone coming or going through the door.

    However if someone came to my door during a downpour that wasnt living in the 5er with me, I'd probably let the dummy stand around in the rain anyway. But that's just me.
  • Does anyone here have a Silverback with the cathederal slides. We are interested in this brand but it looks to me that water will sheet off the door side slide and anyone entering or leaving will get soaked in a downpour.
  • Really like the Silver back peaked slide outs until I noticed theY lost a lot of cupboard space with them.
  • I like our Silverback's basement situation better than the Cedar Creek line. We have 2 levels, which provides more horizontal storage. some of that is taken up by the spare tire...which if every needed is easier to get out than cranking down the tire which is mounted under the unit on the CCs. Our 2009 also has real blinds, which we like.

    Our unit has been pretty good for us.
  • The biggest difference that I see is the frames. The Cedar Creek has a drop or "Z" frame. Giving you a level basement that it lower. The Silverback is a straight I beam frame and the basement is higher off the ground and has a step down in the first 8 inches or so.
    As others have posted most everything else is a difference in what is standard equipment on the CC vs options on the SB. On second thought, the Silverback has an "A " frame roof in the slides. The Cedar Creek is a normal roof line.

    We just spent several weeks looking at Credar Creek and Silverback 5 ers and settled on a Silverback because the dimensions on the Cedar Creek' s was more than we wanted to deal with. They are both great fifth wheels in my book.
  • Basically, yes!
    There are different floor plans, the SB line offers shorter plans. What can be an option on SB can be standard on CC. They all come off the exact same production line in Indiana. Same appliances, same level of fit and finish