In my opinion chucking is inevitable and nothing you can do will stop it. You may dampen the effects of the chucking but you won't stop it. In my experience chucking exists as a by product of two things: how you have the rig loaded and the road conditions. It's a known fact that an improperly loaded TT will have so much sway it can be dangerous. 5th wheels are no different in loading. A light front will cause chucking. I think the primary issue causing chucking is road conditions. Some roads cause chucking and some don't. When we travel cross country I tend to have a heavily loaded front end due to all the extra stuff I carry in case of an emergency. My set up rarely chucks but when it does it's obvious there's a change in road conditions that causes it. My biggest complaint is bridge transitions, they suck bad and cause chucking. No way around it no matter what you do.