You might want to check the roller at the rear of the carrier arm, and the slot it rides in. Could be the roller does not rotate freely for some reason and binds up. Or the slot is worn and has too much clearance. This can happen due to a lot of use and normal wear. Or if the roller doesn't roll smoothly and freely. If the slot wears, you will notice the edges of the slot is raised a bit. This is where the material "rolls" or "mushrooms".
If you have wide clearance between the roller and the slot, then the carrier arm cam tilt forward or backwards at times. And in severe conditions could cause a bang.
How old is your hitch. And has it been used a lot? Newer hitches should not have this problem. But older ones that have a lot of miles could.
Mine has about 30,000 miles on it. Bought it in 2006. The slot has a clearance of about .020 to .050" in some areas. There is a little carrier arm tilt. But not a loud clanging yet. But I can feel a little movement.