JIMNLIN, Wind can certainly have an effect! We were in Kemmerer,Wy last November, when a good little storm came through! Night time lows below 0 F with winds in 20 to 30 mph range! We were parked with the refrigerator side facing into the wind. This is when we discovered that our refrigerator , which had been removed years earlier, had “NOT” been insulated properly around the refrigerator perimeter. The wind was coming through had enough, that it would have probably blown a candle out! The heater couldn’t keep-up, got a little cool inside......40’s inside the camper! “IF”, we’d been facing the opposite direction.....we’d have been fine! We’ve been out at -20’s before.....but, with no wind! Wind can certainly add a degree of difficulty to your camping trip!
First project once home.....waited for a warm day, and insulated the space around the refrigerator. You just never know where those “unforeseen” problems will occur! Now, I think we’re ready for those cool weather trips. memtb