pnichols wrote:
memtb wrote:
ppine wrote:
garyp4951 wrote:
I'm moving to Wyoming. lol
I tried that in 1987. Town was 7,200 feet. YOu can plant tomatoes in late June. The aspens start to turn in the third week in August. You have to like winter, since it is most of the year.
It was minus 38 degrees F in my driveway. Not the wind chill, the temperature. It is the windiest state. It is much colder in the nearby mountains.
We like it this way!! Helps keep the population under control. We need a few good, cold winters to drive out a couple hundred thousand’s getting too crowded! memtb
How about the opposite ... heat... like from open flames? Maybe CA's recent fires will drive out a few here, too.
We did move our RV, temporarily, to another place in case we had to evac, but thankfully it wasn't necessary. My favorite Native American chant is now "stay away iona"! ;)
pnichols, Heat, that’s a real problem! I can put on more clothes for the cold.....but, to remain legal......I can only remove part of my clothing! memtb