Forum Discussion

cruz-in's avatar
Nov 23, 2015

Consequential Damage option on Exclusionary Warranty

Hi All,

So lets assume that one has weighted all the pros/cons and decided to purchase an Extended Warranty (Insurance). This warranty is exclusionary and basically covers everything but water damage, mold, trim, seals, cabinets, roof, and cosmetic items.

On these comprehension Exclusionary warranties, the Consequential Damage Clause is for Damage to any NON_COVERED item, due to a COVERED item failing. For instance the slide mechanism fails (a covered item). The failure results in the slide twisting its track. This damages the seals, carpeting, and the trim. The seals, carpeting, and trim would not be covered as they are excluded. The slide mechanism would be. However with the Consequential Damage Option, all damage to excluded items, due to an non-excluded part failing would be covered. So the seals, carpet, and trim would be covered (in addition to the slide mechanism),

So my question is: How important is the consequential damage option with a good Exclusionary policy?

You all's thoughts and inputs would be appreciated.

Once again, lets focus this thread on the value of a Consequential Damage Option on an Exclusionary Extended Warranty. Not on the value/usefullness of the Exclusionary warranty.