Forum Discussion

Lawntread's avatar
Sep 19, 2015

Curbside slideout... design trend?

Hi everyone. I'm new to the forum. My family and I went to the Hershey show yesterday as we do every year and came home sorely disappointed. While the show was awesome as usual(and the biggest it's been yet), we found a trend that's unfortunate. We were only able to find 3 or 4 fivers without curbside slideouts! We are not fans of the curbside slide. We call them "wrong side slides". They take up too much outside living area and create too many sharp edges for our small children. That means a lot coming from me considering I believe in common sense over too much safety. Anyway, to my question... is this a fad, trend, both? I hate to think that we won't have a choice when we go to buy our next trailer. Maybe we have to go back to a bumper pull. Let me know your thoughts. I'm curious. We can't be the only one's feeling this way.